Dissect a Frog Online

Make a model volcano

Integrated Science

Form I ISci ·  Brightest ISci Stars ·  Notices ·  Contact Mrs. Fred · 


    This page is designed to help you explore those topics that you study in the classroom at AGS. Additionally, you will be informed about which students are the brightest shining stars in each Form I class.

    Notices will also be posted regularly. These include matters pertaining to Integrated Science and the Environmental Cadets programme.

    Finally, if you need to contact Mrs. Fred, just click on the 'Contact Mrs. Fred' link to send me an e-mail.

Integrated Science Topics
    Use the resources provided as a revision tool for past topics or to improve your understanding of ongoing ones. Also, you can move ahead with topics that will be done in the AGS classroom later on.

Term I   Term II   Term III

Brightest ISci Stars
    Those students who place 1st and 2nd in each Form I class will have their names placed on the ‘Brightest ISci Stars’ page. The names are up-dated each end-of-term, so current stars reflect those who shone brightest in the most recently completed term.

    Announcements and reminders are posted here. Keep abreast of events, projects, etc.

Contact Mrs. Fred
   If you have a question/comment, or need to contact Mrs. Fred for any reason, send e-mail to: mrsfred@starlearners.org

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Make a volcano.